Monday, June 09, 2008

The Eternal Allure of the Crazy Girl

We've all dated her. We've all woken up in the middle of the night to the sounds of our girlfriend simultaneously sobbing and baking. Who among us hasn't spent days in the doghouse over something you did to her in her DREAM? Who hasn't had a drink thrown in their face over what any rational human being would consider to be an innocuous comment? Sure, we've all been there. However, we bachleors are truly the ones at fault here. We keep going back to the crazy girl well again and again when scores of perfectly lovely sane women are out there. What is the eternal appeal of dating unstable women?

Details magazine tried to answer that question last month.

Myself, I think a lot of men have a subconscious desire to make their lives difficult. What Freud would call the "Death Wish." Couple that with every man's desire to be needed and to take care of their romantic partner and the average man has no chance against the crazy girl. I think this comic encapsulates the phenomenon well: