Jonathan Swift once said, “Bachelor's fare: Bread, cheese, and kisses.” I'm sure if the great Irish author had been alive during the electronic age he would have added one more thing; microwaveable dinners. Besides pizza and beer, there is no bigger staple in the bachelor's diet than a good microwaveable dinner. Certainly, you're going to want to learn how to cook. You'll need that skill for hosting elegant dinner parties and impressing women with your culinary expertise. However, cooking an elaborate meal for one is a tremendous waste of time. Time that could be better spent learning archery, how to tie knots, and how to make a really good Gimlet. Trust me, the microwave is your friend. For instance, here is a picture of my real life freezer:

1 comment:
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, my vodka made your blog! You gotta tell me when stuff like this happens, dammit!
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