Everything the urban bachelor needs to survive and live the good life.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Fleming, Ian Fleming
Between the release of the Sebastian Faulks update of 007 and the teaser for the upcoming "Quantum of Solace" hitting the interweb (watch it below), Bond mania seems to have taken hold. While I love Bond as much if not more than the next bachelor, the man I truly aspire to be like is his creator Ian Fleming. Apparently, the former spy's daily schedule went something like this: 1) Wake up, write 1000 words 2) Break for lunch, drink two martinis 3) Write another 1000 words 4) Two more martinis 5) Snorkeling, did I mention he lived most of his life in Jamaica? 6) Drinks with glamorous women
Not a bad little lifestyle, eh? Bond's life doesn't seem so cool now.
This bachelor is a paradox. He is equal parts Dandy and Hobo, gliding through life with little resistance and significant aplomb. No easy feat in Canada. This blog helps him to fulfill his life long ambition of forcing his taste on others and telling people what to do. The time for gentlemen is upon us.
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